« A smoky chimney in a flint cottage where a doctor's leather medicine bag is opened to reveal wound cream, bandages, a flask of Lapsang Souchong and a tube of liquorice dipped in sherbet. »
Nose : Sweet smoke from a coal fire with pine needles on top, there's a leather chair too near the fireplace in the flint cottage, faded rose petals and a leather Gladstone medicine bag next to it, opened to expose wound cream, anaesthetic, bandages and iodine, plus a paper bag full of rum and raisin fudge.
Palate : Smooth and creamy mouthfeel gives way to a smoke dragon, Lapsang Souchong in a stained metal teapot, operating theatre, wound cream, bandages wrapped over iodine and secured with a safety pin. There's lavender, Toblerone, nougat, rum and raisin fudge, chocolate-covered honeycomb and sweet, sweet smoke after the initial hit of smoke.
Finish : Smoke puffs from a coal fire, sweet peat, lavender, ginger, cardamom, star anise and still more smoke with the sweetness from the rum continuing in the long and lingering finish.
Nose with water : Water reveals maritime notes with pebbles on the beach with tinned peaches, peeled Seville oranges and a cardboard tube of liquorice dipped in sherbet stashed in a leather pouch by a smoky bonfire as it struggles to burn the wet driftwood and seaweed.
Palate with water : Water adds more sweetness, smoke rings, leather trousers, lit Meerschaum pipe pulling tobacco, liquorice pipes, dark chocolate ginger thins, aniseed twists, buttery cinnamon biscuits, chocolate-covered Brazil nuts, creamy tapioca with raspberry jam and more smoke.
Finish with water : Smoke puffs with chai tea, dark chocolate rum truffles and tinned peaches.