“A heady hit from the confectioner's with chocolate, liquorice, strawberry and cream lollipops, orange sherbets, butterscotch, clove balls and crystallised ginger.”
Colour : Rich chestnut
Nose : That is quite something, it smells of comfort! Baskets of favourite sweets, including milk and white chocolate, cream lollipops, sticky strawberry meringue bites, cardamom balls and clove balls. There's a leather school satchel with a lunchbox containing sliced oranges, pears and diced coconut.
Palate : A very soft, velvety mouthfeel with hard-boiled orange sweets, marmalade on croissants, creamy porridge, buttered herb scones, strawberry meringues and peach Melba washed down with Chai tea, a polished wooden toy pond yacht with canvas sails resting nearby.
Finish : A long one with some dry fruits, ginger brandy snaps stuffed with thick orange cream, a bitwaxy and gives you a perfect end to a winter dish (Sunday Roast).